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                您好,欢迎访问南京ζ 溧水洁鹏自动化设备有限公司网站!


                电话:025-57482319 13222038382



                • 交叉带式分拣系统
                • 交叉带式分拣系统
                • 交叉带式分拣系统
                • 交叉带式分拣系统
                • 交叉带式分拣系统
                • 交叉带式分拣系统

                According to the needs of customers, the cross belt sorting system can build a high-speed sorting assembly line that can sort almost all kinds of packaging and shape goods, and can meet the high-speed circulation needs of express delivery, books and most of the production and trade industries of light quality goods. It is suitable for goods with flat bottom such as cartons and plastic boxes, as well as irregular or soft packed products such as newspaper bales, rice bags and flour bags for long-term continuous medium and high-speed sorting. According to the needs of users, it can extend to build a three-dimensional sorting and storage pipeline.

                Cross belt sorting system is suitable for books, electronic instruments, daily chemical industry, food and medicine, auto parts, large chain supermarket, logistics distribution center, express sorting center, tobacco, post and other industries. Automatic data recording and processing can share real-time data information with the existing ERP management system.

                The functions of cross belt sorting system include: remote sorting or assembly operation, automatic code spraying, automatic labeling, automatic calculation of cargo volume, automatic weighing of cargo weight, automatic truck call loading platform, optimal delivery route calculation platform, whole process image and video source tracing platform.

                The cross belt sorting system can not only greatly improve the efficiency and efficiency of the enterprise, save the production cost and management cost of the enterprise, improve the intelligence and management level of the enterprise, but also be compatible with bar code, two-dimensional code and radio frequency tag (RFID), automatically calculate the volume and overall volume of a single cargo, the price of a single product, the actual price, business commission, code ocean and other financial information, Automatically issue SMS to the stowage driver to realize automatic stowage.


                交叉带式分拣机√适合图书、电子仪表,日用化工,食品医药,汽车卐零部件,大型々连锁商超,物流配送中心、快递分拣中心、烟草、 邮政等行业。自动█进行数据记录处理,可与企业已有的ERP管理系统进行实时数据信息共享。




